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Perform Fourier self-deconvolution of a spectrum.

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This tool can be used to find overlapping peaks in the spectrum. The position and integrated area for each peak are preserved in the deconvolved spectrum.


Download the file FourierSelfDeconvolution.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
NOTE: This tool requires OriginPro.


  1. Click the Fourier Self-Deconvolution icon in the Apps Gallery window to open the dialog.
  2. Choose XY data for the spectrum.
  3. A default value is provided for Gamma, the line shape width. Uncheck Auto checkbox to specify a custom value. The line shape will be used to deconvolve the spectrum. Generally the larger Gamma is, the narrower the deconvolved peak becomes.
  4. Specify Smoothing Factor to smooth the deconvolved spectrum. Smoothing factor must be between 0 and 1. The larger the factor, the smoother the deconvolved spectrum, and the wider the deconvolved peaks.
  5. Click Preview button to display the deconvolved spectrum. Click OK button to create the deconvolved result.

1. X data must be evenly spaced, otherwise the result may not make sense.
2. Baseline must be subtracted before the analysis.


Reviews and Comments:

I am working on FSD of FTIR Amide I band to find overlapped peaks. I am working with the Auto gamma value, and trying different smoothing filter values. I would like to know more about the mathematical model of the smoothing filter, and also how to calculate the enhancement factor that I am applying on my spectrum by combining the gamma value and the smoothing factor. Thank you! :)

01/15/2025OriginLabHi b_j_a,
Origin’s Fourier Self-Deconvolution App also uses Lorentzian model. The reference is Transforms in Spectroscopy. J. Kauppinen, J. Partanen, chapter 12. The algorithm is the same but the options we provide are little different from software you mentioned. “Gamma” option in this App is the Lorentzian FWHM, which can be used to adjust the bandwidth, and the “Smoothing Factor” is used to reduce noise.
Currently Fourier Self-Deconvolution App is Pro only.

01/14/2025b_j_aHi, I'm wondering if it's possible to add different deconvolution algorithms? I use other software that lets me deconvolute using a Lorentzian model and adjust the bandwidth and noise reduction factor. I'm wondering if origin can replicate this functionality. I'm also wondering if this app can be made available for origin (not pro).


10/07/2023OriginLabHi Eshani2020,
To use the tool, the X data of spectrum must be evenly spaced. If your X data is not evenly spaced, you can try to use the Interpolation tool to create a uniform linearly spaced interpolated curve from your spectrum first.
Please refer to this page:

09/29/2023Eshani2020What does it mean by . X data must be evenly spaced, otherwise the result may not make sense. and How can I fix it? Thank you

03/21/2023Purnima1508searching this from long ago

08/09/2018sherman2008for customer