File Exchange > Graphing >    Polyline Profiles

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Generate straight, polyline or freehand line profiles from image or contour plots.

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This App can be used to produce line profiles for an image/contour plot. The line can be a straight line, polyline, or freehand line.
The built-in Profile Plot in Origin only handles horizontal, vertical, and straight lines. This App is therefore useful for polyline and freehand line profiling.

Download the Polyline Profiles.opx file and then drag and drop onto the Origin workspace. A new app icon will be added to Apps Gallery.

NOTE: This tool requires Origin version 2016SR1 or later. If you have Origin2016Sr0, please select Help: Check for Updates from Origin menu to first update Origin.


  1. Activate an image plot or contour plot.
    Note: If you import an image into a matrix, you need to first convert the image to data before using this App.
  2. Add your line object(s) to the graph. The line object can be a straight line, a polyline, or a freehand drawn line.
  3. Click on the Polyline Profiles icon in the Apps Gallery.
  4. If you have multiple line objects in the graph, you can select the desired line from the Profile Line drop-down, or you can click to select the line object in the graph.
  5. Edit other dialog box settings as desired, including the NO. Of Points along the path, for generating the profile plot.
  6. Use the Tag button to generate profile data along the selected line object, while keeping the dialog box open. You can then edit the line object, or switch to another line object and continue generating output.  
  7. Click the OK button to generate profile data along the selected line object and close the dialog box. Previously-tagged output is kept. Note that a profile Preview is also generated for each tagged object but these can be discarded upon clicking OK, by clearing the Keep Preview Window box.


v1.1 4/25/2023 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2023b.

Reviews and Comments:
06/19/2023OriginLabHi 276699,
Do you get any error message when you try to save the project as opju?

06/18/2023276699Does not save the file .opju

02/18/2020DanserExcellent tool! Would be perfect if it also could process circles.