File Exchange > Graphing >    Maps Online

OriginLab Technical Support
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Maps Online.opx
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Fetch map image from a WMS server and place as background image in a graph.

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This App fetches map images of a given longitude and latitude range from a WMS server. The map is then inserted as an image into the active graph layer. Multiple layers of maps can be combined and inserted.


Download the file Maps Online.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.

  1. Click the Maps Online icon to open the dialog.
  2. Select a map source from the Map Source drop-down.
    You can click the + button next to the drop-down to add a map source. See examples below.
  3. Select a map layer from the Layers drop-down.
    To insert multiple layers of maps, click the + button next to the drop-down and select the desired layers.
  4. Latitude and longitude boundary values for the map are automatically entered into their respective Area edit boxes. To use the axis scale values of the active graph layer (dimmed if a graph window is not active), click the  button.
  5. Click  and choose to Load Into a 2D Graph, Matrix or Image Window.
  6. Click OK.
    If you opted to load into a matrix, the image will be imported into a matrix.
    If you opted to load into a 2D graph and a graph window was active when launching tool, the image will be placed in the active graph layer.
    If you opted to load into a 2D graph and a graph window was not active, a new graph window will be created.

NOTE: The graph layer is automatically resized to maintain the correct aspect ratio for the inserted map image. To use this app, you must provide a valid map source. The one for demo may have been invalid.

Add New Map Source

To add a new Map Source, click the + button on the right of Map Source, which opens the file MapsOnline.ini file. Then add three lines such as below:


Save the ini file. And the added map source will be shown in Map Source drop-down list.


v 2.1: Update DLL dependencies.
v 2.0: Add Source Manager.
v 1.47: Import map to the new image window (since OriginPro 2022)
v 1.45: Improve compatibility and bug fix.
v 1.44: Localization
v 1.42: Option for updating service list.
v 1.3: Custom GetMap URL.
v 1.2: Fixed compiling problem due to codepage.
v 1.1: Import map to graph or matrix;.Set latitude and longitude from graph axis values.

Reviews and Comments:
11/17/2022OriginLabHi kattard1,
This tool only provides the functionality of connecting resources and importing them, the WMS resource links are for informational purposes only and they might be out-of-date. We will remove them.
Please find available resources by yourself.

11/16/2022kattard1Maps do not load. Not surprising, if you click on the WMS resource links above, barely any of them work. Origin please update!


04/18/2022yukiOriginlabHi wangjinglong, did you see any error messages? You could tell us more information so that we can help to identify the problem.
OriginLab Technical Support



I am sorry that the WMS server address is change but it is in not Origin.
We suggest you can switch to another Map Source to see if it works.

01/25/2022gouyuxiaoFailed to get capabilities from either Blue Marble or Land Mark, though the service list was updated.

12/21/2021yukiOriginlabHi lixiaojun96, I am sorry that this issue is related to the WMS server not Origin. You can switch to another Map Source to see if it works.
OriginLab Technical Support

12/21/2021lixiaojun96why my originlab repot ‘sever not responding’

06/17/2020wuyanfengNIce, powerful, Good interface