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Design an IIR comb notch filter, apply it to a signal, and remove harmonic components at specified frequencies.

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This app can be used to design an IIR comb notch filter, and apply to a signal. It can be used to remove narrow frequency bands near harmonic frequencies and its and keep the rest.

Download the file IIR_Comb_Filter.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.

Make a worksheet for input data active. Click on the IIR Comb Filter icon in the Apps Gallery window. A dialog will open. Dialog settings include:

Settings Description
Input Data Specify input signal.
Design Filter by There are two ways to define the design filter:
  • Frequency to Remove
    Specify the filter by harmonic frequency to remove.
  • Filter Parameters
    Specify the filter by filter order.
Sampling Interval Sampling interval of the signal's x data.
Frequency Unit Unit for harmonic frequency to remove. Three options are available: HzkHzMHz.
Harmonic Frequency to Remove Specify the harmonic frequency to remove. It is available when Frequency to Remove is chosen in Define Filter by dropdown list
Q Factor Quality factor, ratio of harmonic frequency to bandwidth of filter.
Order of Filter Order of the design filter. The number of notches in the filter is order plus 1. It is available when Filter Parameters is chosen in Define Filter by dropdown list
Bandwidth of Filter Frequency width where the filter attenuates the response at the specified dB level. It is normalized by half of the sampling frequency, and its range is (0, 1).
Magnitude Response at Bandwidth (dB) Magnitude response attenuation at the filter bandwidth in dB unit. Default is 3dB.
Report Sheet Report sheet for the design filter coefficients
Result Data Sheet Report data sheet for filtered data.

This app provides a sample OPJU file. Right click on the IIR Comb Filter icon in the Apps Gallery window, and choose Show Samples Folder from the short-cut menu. A folder will open. Drag-and-drop the project file CombFilterEx.opju from the folder onto Origin. The Notes window in the project shows detailed steps.
Note: If you wish to save the OPJU after changing, it is recommended that you save to a different folder location (e.g. User Files Folder).

For the comb notch filter, the transform function is expressed as:

\(H(z)=\displaystyle \frac{b(1 - z^{-n})}{1 - a z^{-n}}\),

where \(a\) and b are positive parameters, n is the filter order, and the number of notches in the filter is \(n+1\).

The comb filter can be defined by parameters:

  • Order of Filter: n
  • Bandwidth of Filter: \(w_b\). It is normalized by the maximum frequency \(f_s/2\)( \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency of the signal. ), and its range is (0, 1).
  • Magnitude Response at Bandwidth (dB): The level to which the filter attenuates the response at the bandwidth in dB unit. The default value is 3 dB.

The filter can also be determined by Remove Frequency:

  • Harmonic Frequency to Remove: \(f_0 = n / f_s\)

  • Quality Factor: \(Q = \frac{f_0}{w_b f_s / 2}\)

A typical frequency response of the comb filter is shown as below:

1. Sophocles J. Orfanidis. "Introduction to Signal Processing". Prentice-Hall, 1996.


2024/12/6 v1.1 Fix sampling interval X data issue

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