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Calculate tolerance intervals for data from normal or non-normal distribution.

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This app can be used to determine the range, and this range specifies the proportion of the process measurements expected to fall for the data with normal or non-normal distribution.

Download the file Tolerance Intervals.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.

1. Make a worksheet active.
2. Click Tolerance Intervals app icon in Apps Gallery window. 
3. According what distribution your data is followed to select Normal or Non-normal, then a dialog for settings will open.
4. Choose the desired settings from the dialog, and then click OK button to generate the report.

1. Normal
1.1. Data Type: Specify the data is the raw data or the summarized data.
1.2. Input Data: If data is raw data, specify the column for the data.
1.3. Sample Size, Sample Mean, Standard Deviation: If data is summarized data, these are for the summarized information.
1.4. Minimum % of Population in Interval: Specify the minimum percent of population in interval.
1.5. Confidence Level (%): Specify the confidence level.
1.6. Tolerance Interval: Specify the tolerance interval types, options include Two-Sided, Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
1.7. Tolerance Interval Plots: Whether to make the tolerance interval plots, it is only for raw data.
1.8. Output Report, Output Data: Specify where to output the report and data.

2. Non-normal
2.1. Input Data: Specify the column for the data.
2.2. Distribution: Specify the non-normal distribution to use. Available distributions include Lognormal, Gamma, Exponential, Smallest Extreme Value, Weibull, Largest Extreme Value, Logistic, Loglogistic, and Nonparametric (this is not a distribution).
2.3. Minimum % of Population in Interval: Specify the minimum percent of population in interval.
2.4. Confidence Level (%): Specify the confidence level.
2.5. Tolerance Interval: Specify the tolerance interval types, options include Two-Sided, Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
2.6. Tolerance Interval Plots: Whether to make the tolerance interval plots, it is only for raw data.
2.7. Output Report, Output Data: Specify where to output the report and data.


2024/9/11 v1.3 Probability plot layer for nonnormal distribution not link to other layer
2024/6/13 v1.2 Update the graph for report
2024/6/4 v1.1 Open XF dialog as modal dialog

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