Origin 2019b Features


Calculate synchronous and asynchronous correlation spectra.

Adjust height of worksheet label row for output columns
Better support of doing fitting or peak analysis on Y offset plot

Detect single and multiple change points within data.

Fit ordinary differential equation.

Determine gel molecular weight from electrophoresis.

Improve Statistics results for some special NLFit types
Integration Gadget: Set significant digits 
Peak Analyzer: Add Hints tab in Fit Control dialog
Peak Analyzer: Report Baseline Mode in Notes node
Peak Analyzer: Support output  baseline subtracted peaks after Finding Peaks
Support Censor Mark in Survival Plot

Data Handling

Allow Saving Workbook as Analysis Template even if no operation
Appending Projects Improvements
Cluster Gadget.: X at Min Y, X at Max Y, Y at Min X, Y at Max X are supported
Use the button to add or remove 2nd vertical cursor.
Copy and paste folder in Origin
Copy and paste workbook in Origin
Copy cell and paste to a range
Connect to various data types (CSV, JSON, OPJ, OPJU, Matlab, Excel, HTML Table, XML, etc.) from web or on hard-drive. 
With ANY data import (not just Data Connectors), user can opt to clear the imported data when saving project.
Export Worksheet or Book to Excel File
Extraction of worksheet rows by Random sampling
File:Clone Current Project ...
Filtering Columns based on Column Label Row
Group Folder Sharing Improvements
Hide Import HTML Table from Data: Import From Files menu
Split Columns by a reference column is supported in Origin 2019b.
Project name shows at the beginning of Origin title
Reduce by Group should support X as Corresponding X
New option 3 is added to System Variable @ISE. When setting it to 3 and import multiple data files to a book with multiple sheet,
Use the button to toggle showing all info. in one label or individual labels.
Show column list view of Workbook as tooltip when mousing over workbook in Project Explorer
Smaller Dialog Height for Import Wizard in E and G Origin
Statistics Gadget: More outputs: besides x at min/max y, SE, confidence bands, percentiles are supported as well.
Support 1.5, etc. in Multiple of SD in Mask Cells by Condition dialog
Support NOT logical operator in Column Filtering
Support recalculation in Split Worksheet
The speed of import ASCII and CSV is almost 50% faster
Use Column Short Name directly in Worksheet Query


Help to create a 3D wind rose graph

Add Include option for Common Display so  adding layers, etc. will not affect existing layers.
Add label on specified indices for Waterfall
Allow moving axis titles to corners (vertices) of the ternary
Better handling of data point on the edge of layer frame
Blank circle in the middle of Polar graph
Copy graph and paste directly to online documentation tools
Customize Histogram to show Relative Frequency or Density in each bin
Customize line segment remove line between two points on a line+symbol plot
Do not show symbol for line if a special point is created from label
Double click text side of legend enters in-place edit mode with cursor blinking
Independent Transparency control for multiple patterns of one plot
Independent Transparency of 2nd color in Gradient Fill
Legend notation for controlling column plot and text
Merge Graph Label Improvements

Plot Heatmap from XY column or XYZ Columns

Plot Menu Reorganization
Rugs Plot
Showing Date and Time profile label in Contour Profile
Split Heatmap
Stack lines by Y offset by grouping information in column label rows
Support Color list as Colormap Fill
Support Data label for polar line plot
Support highlight column in worksheet when highlighting plot on graph
Support leader line to labels of 3D vector graph
Support line style customization for 3D vector graph
Support same symbol edge thickness no matter symbol size big or small
Updated Tick Label Custom Display examples when combining multiple @ options
Use Number of X columns in worksheet to decide number of layers in Stack and Multi-Y Axes graph
View: Show: Frame will add frame according to current bottom x axis settings

Installation and Licensing

Skip Reboot Dialog at end of QuietMode Install


Block docked windows to auto expand when mousing over it
Code Builder Improvements for Apps
Easier way to update all Apps to latest version
Font control for Notes window
HTML Report in Notes Window 
Main Menu Reorganization
Plot: 3D: Parametric Surface menu to plot 3D parametric plot from data
Recently Used Fonts
Reorganization of some controls on Layer level of Plot Details dialog
Reset all dialog custom positions on new Origin session
Sort Apps in Apps Gallery
Support search in Template library


Allow OriginC VideoReader class in Origin Standard version
Build new Python package OriginExt to access Origin functionality from external Python through COM
Improve GraphLayer::AddPlot to support some important plot type
Improvement on Project class
Improvements on IF() and IFNA() functions
Include code supports more relative path in Origin C
LabTalk command to clear imported data
LabTalk string function improvements
Multi-sheet range support
New Object is wbook but can be abbreviated as wbk
New Switch for DOC command
OriginC GetN Auto checkbox Improvement
OriginC to provide access to LabTalk LT properties on OriginObject
Added the optional argument lowbound to the COM server's method Worksheet::GetData()
Support passing LabTalk tree to OriginC function
Support to detect and let the dialog know when delete the GraphObject

Origin 2019b Bug Fixes


Data Handling




Origin 2019b Known Issues

Data Handling




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