Easily remove all locks from various scopes within a project

Version: 2024b

Type: Features

Category: Analysis

Subcategory: General

Jira: ORG-26947

After doing any analysis in Origin, the green lock shows by default in any output columns, matrices, or graphs so that when input is changed the corresponding output can update, and the user can click on it to change the parameters of analysis.

In previous versions, it was not possible to remove all of these locks at once.

In Origin 2024b, we have added the option in the Edit menu to “Remove Operations for” and allows the user to select (with a submenu) different scopes of removal. E.g.: Remove Operations for Active sheet, Active window, Active folder, Active folder (recursive), and Project.

Corresponding LabTalk command

run -aul 0; /// remove all operations in active layer (wks, matrix or graph)

run -aup 0; /// remove all operations in active page (wks, matrix or graph)

run -auo 0; /// remove all operations in curent folder (but not recursive)

run -auor 0; /// remove all operations in curent folder

this LT, include shortcut default,
if you don’t want no include shortcut, run the following
run -aud 0 0;
run -audr 0 0;
the last value in LT. if is other value. also include shortcut. like 1.