old LT code broken due to LTXF_FROM_GUI_PROMPT removed from VC code

Version: 2023b

Type: Features

Category: Data Handling

Subcategory: Export

Jira: ORG-26029

-d: allow fname and path and allow last used theme
-dg: no fname and path and allow last used theme
-dm: no fname and path but no last used theme


  1. Set path$

  2. string fname$="C:\temp\test.dat";
  3. New a Workbook and run.

  4. expasc -d;
  5. -->File Path is auto set, and last used theme is used.

  6. Close the dialog and run.

  7. expasc -dg;
  8. -->File Path is not used, and last used theme is used.

  9. Close the dialog again and run.

  10. expasc -dm;
  11. -->Both File Path and last used theme are not used.

Change all export XFs Menu from -dm to the new -dg