More Basic Image Support in Image Window

Version: 2022

Type: Features

Category: Data Handling

Subcategory: Image

Jira: ORG-22928

Without ROI in image window,

  • Edit: Cut will cut entire image and paste it to other places, including other graph window, image or even outside Origin.

  • Edit: Clear will clear entire image window. One usage is make the project file size small if it’s not set as linked file. User can later right click and choose Import to reimport the data.

These doesn’t work on embedded image.

With ROI in image window,

  • Edit: Copy or right click ROI and choose Copy will copy the image within ROI box. User can paste it to other graph, new image window or even outside Origin.

  • Edit: Clear will remove ROI. Or user can directly select ROI and press delete to remove the ROI box.