Support deleting rectangle box in enlarged graph

Version: 2020

Type: Features

Category: Graphing

Subcategory: Drawing Objects

Jira: ORG-20685

Before this change, if user clicks Scale in button, and then single clicks in graph window to create an independent enlarged graph with a rectangle box in source graph, it was very hard to delete the rectangle box. User had to choose Edit: Edit Mode and then delete it. 

Now user can select the rectangle object and press Delete key to delete it together with the enlarged graph.

Allow deleting rectangle box with enlarged graph

Version: 2020

Type: Bug Fixes

Category: Graphing

Subcategory: Drawing Objects

Jira: ORG-20685

Click Scale in toolbar button and click on a graph will create an individual graph window with ROI (region of interest) box in source graph.

Moving the ROI box will update the Enlarged graph.

But user couldn't select the rectangle box and press Delete key to delete the ROI

Origin 2020 is updated so user can delete the ROI box. Corresponding Enlarged graph will be deleted as well.