LabTalk:  Script access to better support install and uninstall of Origin files that D&D can install

Version: 2018b

Type: Features

Category: Programming

Subcategory: Labtalk

Jira: ORG-16968

Add the nlsf_install_fdf and nlsf_uninstall_fdf OC functions to install and uninstall fitting functions.

LabTalk Access is supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")

Add the template_install and template_uninstall OC functions to install and uninstall graph templates.

LabTalk Access is supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")