The GridControl class is used to create and manage grid control.
This section describes how to open a dialog with grid control in Origin C. The examples in this section will use an existing grid dialog resource DLL that gets installed with Origin C's Developer Kit. The DLL can be found in this zip file, under \Dialog Builder\GridDLG sub-folder.
#include <..\Originlab\DialogEx.h> #include "GridDLGRes.h"// resource DLL header class GridCtrlDLG : public ResizeDialog { public: GridCtrlDLG() : ResizeDialog(IDD_GRID_DLG, "GridDLG") { } int DoModal(HWND hParent = NULL) { InitMsgMap(); int nRet = ResizeDialog::DoModal(hParent); return nRet; } protected: ///----------------- Message Map ---------------- EVENTS_BEGIN ON_INIT(OnInitDialog) ON_SIZE(OnDlgResize) ON_GETMINMAXINFO(OnMinMaxInfo) ON_OK(OnOK) EVENTS_END ///---------------------------------------------- BOOL OnInitDialog() { ResizeDialog::OnInitDialog(0, "Grid Dialog"); //initialize grid control m_GridCtrl.Init(IDC_GRID, *this); m_GridCtrl.SetupRowsCols( 1, 0, 5, 1 ); vector<string> vsItems = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; m_GridCtrl.CheckExpandRows( vsItems.GetSize()- 1 ); m_GridCtrl.SetCells(vsItems, 0); //move grid control to top left RECT rrList; = rrList.left = GetControlGap(); m_GridCtrl.MoveWindow(rrList); GetItem(IDOK).Text = "Test";//for example codes SetInitReady(); return TRUE; } BOOL OnDlgResize(int nType, int cx, int cy) { if(!IsInitReady()) return TRUE; uint nButtonIDs[] = {IDOK, 0}; ArrangeMainItemAndControls(nButtonIDs, IDC_GRID, NULL, false); return TRUE; } BOOL OnOK() { doExample(); return FALSE; } private: void doExample() { } private: GridControl m_GridCtrl; }; bool OpenGridDLG() { GridCtrlDLG myDlg; myDlg.DoModal( GetWindow() ); return true; }
Name | Brief | Example |
AddCol | Add columns | Examples |
AddOneRow | Add one row | Examples |
CheckConvertCol | Convert from actual grid index into 0 offset column index, option to expand as well. | Examples |
CheckConvertRow | Convert from actual grid index into 0 offset row index, option to expand as well. | Examples |
CheckExpandRows | Checks and add rows if there're not enough rows. | Examples |
ClearAll | Remove all non-fixed rows. | Examples |
DeleteCol | Removes one column. | Examples |
DeleteRow | Removes one non-fixed row. | Examples |
EditCell | Activates edit mode. | Examples |
FindCell | Convert a screen-coordinates position to grid control's 0-offset row/column index. | Examples |
FindRow | Returns the index of a row that contains a specified string. | Examples |
GetCellColor | Gets color from a cell. | Examples |
GetCellData | Gets a variant attached to the cell. | Examples |
GetCellDoubleData | Gets a double data attached to the cell. | Examples |
GetCellRect | Gets bounding box of a cell. | Examples |
GetCell | Gets cell text. | Examples |
GetCheck | Gets the state of the cell's check box. | Examples |
GetColAlignment | Gets the alignment of the given column | Examples |
GetColDataType | Returns the data type for the column. | Examples |
GetColOffset | Gets the number of fixed columns. | Examples |
GetColValues | Gets one column of cells' text. | Examples |
GetColWidth | Gets the width of the specified column in twips. | Examples |
GetColsShow | Returns visible columns' indexes. | Examples |
GetCols | Gets the number of columns | Examples |
GetDraggedCell | Gets the dragged cell's original position. | Examples |
GetDropCell | Gets drop cell's position. | Examples |
GetFixedAlignment | Gets the alignment for the fixed rows in a column. | Examples |
GetHiddenCols | Gets all columns' hidden property | Examples |
GetIsColHidden | Gets whether a column is hidden | Examples |
GetIsRowHidden | Gets whether a row is hidden | Examples |
GetIsSelected | Returns whether a row is selected | Examples |
GetIsSubtotal | Returns whether a row contains subtotals | Examples |
GetMouseCell | Returns the 0-offset row/column index under the mouse pointer. | Examples |
GetMousePixel | Converts the given twips X/Y to screen-coordinates position and returns the 0-offset row/column index under the mouse pointer. | Examples |
GetNumCols | Gets the number of scrollable columns. | Examples |
GetNumRows | Gets the number of scrollable rows. | Examples |
GetRowData | Gets a user-defined variant associated with the given row. | Examples |
GetRowHeight | Gets the height of the specified row in twips. | Examples |
GetRowOffset | Gets the number of fixed rows. | Examples |
GetRowOutlineLevel | Returns the outline level for a subtotal row. | Examples |
GetRowRange | Gets grid control's non-fixed row range. | Examples |
GetRowValues | Gets one row of cells' text. | Examples |
GetRowsHide | Returns each non-fixed row's hidden/displayed property. | Examples |
GetRowsShow | Returns visible rows' indexes. | Examples |
GetRows | Gets the number of rows | Examples |
GetSelCell | Gets selected cell's screen-coordinates position and row/column index. | Examples |
GetSelectedRow | Gets the position of a selected row | Examples |
GetTextMatrix | Gets the contents of a cell | Examples |
GetVsFlexAlignment | Gets the vertical alignment setting from PictureAlignmentSettings. | Examples |
GridControl | Constructor. | |
HasRows | Check if the grid has any row | Examples |
HideCol | Hides or displays the given column. | Examples |
HideRow | Hides or displays the given row. | Examples |
Init | Initialize the class object with control id and dialog | Examples |
InsertCol | Insert one column at selected column, or specified position. | Examples |
InsertRow | Insert one row at selected row, or add one row | Examples |
IsAllowDragCell | Returns whether to allow to drag cell | Examples |
IsAllowDragImage | Returns whether to show drag image | Examples |
IsBold | Returns whether a cell's text is bold. | Examples |
IsColheadingRow | Returns whether a row is fixed row. | Examples |
IsColHidden | Returns whether a column is hidden. | Examples |
IsEnable | Returns whether the grid control can respond to user-generated events. | Examples |
IsInGrid | Returns whether the given row/column index is valid in grid control. | Examples |
IsItalic | Returns whether a cell's text is italic. | Examples |
IsMergeRow | Gets whether a row will have its cells merged. | Examples |
IsMouseOnheader | Gets whether the mouse pointer is at fixed row/column | Examples |
IsRowHidden | Returns whether a row is hidden. | Examples |
MoveItemDown | Move given row down | Examples |
MoveItemUp | Move given row up | Examples |
SelCell | Selects a cell. | Examples |
SetAllowSelection | Sets whether the user can select ranges of cells with the mouse and keyboard. | Examples |
SetAlternateRowColors | Sets the background color for alternate rows. | Examples |
SetBold | Sets given cell's text bold. | Examples |
SetCellBitmap | Sets bitmap to given cell. | Examples |
SetCellColor | Sets color to a cell. | Examples |
SetCellComboList | Sets the editor to be used when editing a cell. | Examples |
SetCellData | Sets a double data attached to the cell. | Examples |
SetCellIcon | Sets icon to given cell. | Examples |
SetCellPicture | Sets picture to given cell. | Examples |
SetCellProperty | Sets cell(s) properties. | Examples |
SetCells | Set one row/column of cells' text. | Examples |
SetCell | Set one cell's text. | Examples |
SetCheck | Sets the state of the cell's check box. | Examples |
SetColAlignment | Sets the alignment of the column. | Examples |
SetColComboList | Sets the drop-down list to given column | Examples |
SetColDataType | Sets the data type for the column. | Examples |
SetColDotButtonIcon | Sets icon to given column. | Examples |
SetColheader | Assigns column header | Examples |
SetColheading | Sets the heading of the column. | Examples |
SetColHighlight | Sets whether a column can be highlighted. | Examples |
SetColPosition | Moves a given column to a new position. | Examples |
SetColValues | Sets one column text. | Examples |
SetColWidth | Sets the width of the specified column in twips. | Examples |
SetCols | Sets the number of columns | Examples |
SetDragCell | Sets whether to allow to drag cell | Examples |
SetDragImage | Sets whether to show drag image | Examples |
SetEditable | Sets whether the control allows in-cell editing. | Examples |
SetEnable | Enables or disables the grid control to respond to user-generated events. | Examples |
SetExplorerBar | Sets whether column headers are used to sort and/or move columns. | Examples |
SetExtendLastCol | Sets whether the last column should be adjusted to fit the grid control's width. | Examples |
SetFinishEditing | Finishes any pending edits and returns the grid to browse mode. | Examples |
SetFixedAlignment | Sets the alignment for the fixed rows in a column. | Examples |
SetFixedColAlignment | Sets the alignment for the fixed rows in one or all scrollable columns. | Examples |
SetFixedRowValues | Sets text to fixed row. | Examples |
SetGridFont | Sets the name of the font. | Examples |
SetGridLines | Sets the type of lines to be drawn between non-fixed cells. | Examples |
SetHiddenCols | Sets all columns' hidden property | Examples |
SetIcon | Sets icon with selected effect to given cell | Examples |
SetIsColHidden | Sets whether a column is hidden | Examples |
SetIsRowHidden | Sets whether a row is hidden | Examples |
SetIsSelected | Sets whether a row is selected | Examples |
SetIsSubtotal | Sets whether a row contains subtotals | Examples |
SetItalic | Sets given cell's text italic. | Examples |
SetMergeCol | Sets whether a column will have its cells merged. | Examples |
SetMergeRow | Sets whether a row will have its cells merged. | Examples |
SetOutlineBar | Sets the type of outline bar that should be displayed. | Examples |
SetOwnerDraw | Sets whether and when the control will fire the DrawCell event. | Examples |
SetRowColor | Sets color to a row. | Examples |
SetRowData | Sets a user-defined variant associated with the given row. | Examples |
SetRowheaderValues | Sets the heading of all the scrollable rows. | Examples |
SetRowheading | Sets the heading of the row. | Examples |
SetRowHeight | Sets the height of the specified row in twips. | Examples |
SetRowOutlineLevel | Sets the outline level for a subtotal row. | Examples |
SetRowPosition | Move given row to the specified position | Examples |
SetRowValues | Sets one row text. | Examples |
SetRowsIsSelected | Sets whether a range of rows are selected | Examples |
SetRows | Sets the number of rows | Examples |
SetScrollBars | Sets whether the control will display horizontal or vertical scroll bars. | Examples |
SetSelection | Sets whether the control will select cells in a free range, by row, by column, or like a listbox. | Examples |
SetTableValue | Sets text to grid control's non-fixed area | Examples |
SetTextMatrix | Sets the contents of a cell | Examples |
SetupRowsCols | Sets the number of rows, columns, fixed rows and fixed columns. | Examples |
ShowAlternateGroups | Sets groups of rows with alternate colors. | Examples |
ShowCols | Hides or displays non-fixed columns. | Examples |
ShowRows | Hides or displays non-fixed rows. | Examples |
SortCol | Sort a column | Examples |
~GridControl | Destructor. |