Selects a cell.
void SelCell( int nRow, int nCol, bool bSelLast = false )
Example codes can be pasted to doExample() function in GridControl's examples to run
int nRow, nCol; double result; double d_str; string temp; m_GridCtrl.SelCell(4,0,false); m_GridCtrl.SetCell(4,0,10086); m_GridCtrl.GetSelCell(&nRow, &nCol); out_int("col=",nCol); out_int("row=",nRow); temp=m_GridCtrl.GetCell(flexcpText,nRow, nCol); if(is_numeric(temp,true,true,false)) { d_str=atof(temp); m_GridCtrl.SetCellData(nRow, nCol,d_str); result=m_GridCtrl.GetCellDoubleData(nRow, nCol); out_double("The double data in chosen cell is ",result); } else { out_str("Please enter a double"); }