





The Origin C vectorbase class is an abstract base class used for polymorphic handling of vector and Dataset related template class types. Consequently, Origin C objects of type vectorbase can not be constructed. Derived classes, such as vector and Dataset, inherit vectorbase class methods and should be used instead.



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Name Brief Example
Abs It changes every value to its absolute value. Examples
Append Append data to a vector Examples
Average Compute moving average Examples
Conjugate Replace vector with the conjugate of the vector. Examples
Data Fill vector with data Examples
Difference Get difference between successive elements of the vector Examples
Find Find indices of specified values in vector Examples
FindDuplicates It produces the information about duplicates in the vector. Examples
FrequencyCount Compute the frequency count of elements in a vector. Examples
GetAmplitude Get the amplitude (modulus) of the complex vector. Examples
GetAs1DArray Return a copy of a vector or Dataset as a one dimensional array of type _VARIANT. Examples
GetAs2DArray Get the contents of the vector as a variant holding a 2D array. Examples
GetBytes Copy the elements of this vector into an internal buffer. Examples
GetDataAsOneDimensionalArray Return a copy of a vector or Dataset as a one dimensional array of type _VARIANT. Examples
GetImaginary Get the imaginary part of a complex vector. Examples
GetInternalDataType Get the internal or underlying base data type of a vectorbase derived object. Examples
GetLabTalkVectorValue Assigns a LabTalk vector to an Origin C vector. Examples
GetLowerBound Get the lower index of the Dataset display range. Examples
GetMinMax Get min and max values and their indices from the vector Examples
GetOutputComment Gets the output comment when used withing XFunction framework. XFFramework initializes the comment to XFunction name and description of input which may be modified by XF designer inside XFunction body Examples
GetPhase Get the phase angle of the complex vector. Examples
GetReal Get the real part of a complex vector. Examples
GetSize Get the size of a vector Examples
GetSourceDataRange Gets the DataRange used to initialize vector XF variable when used withing XFunction framework Examples
GetSubVector Get a subset of the vector. Examples
GetUpperBound Get the upper index of the Dataset display range. Examples
MakeComplex Create a complex vector from two real vectors. Examples
Normal Fill vector with pseudorandom numbers from a normal distribution Examples
Pattern Fill vector with generated data sequence
RemoveAll Removes all elements in the vector. Examples
Reorder Reorder elements of the vector Examples
Replace Threshold replace for a vector. Examples
SetBytes Set the elements of this vector from an internal buffer. Examples
SetLabTalkVectorValue Assigns an Origin C vector to a LabTalk vector. Examples
SetOutputComment Sets the output comment when used withing XFunction framework Examples
SetSize Set the size of the vector Examples
SetSubVector Set a subset of the vector. Examples
Sort Sort elements of the vector Examples
Sum Compute the sum of all elements of the vector Examples
Trim Remove all missing values from the vector. Examples
TrimLeft TrimLeft removes elements having the value NANUM from the left end of a Dataset. Examples
TrimRight TrimRight removes elements having the value NANUM from the right end of a Dataset. Examples
Uniform Fill vector with pseudorandom numbers between 0 and 1 Examples
Wrap Wrap around elements of the vector Examples