





An Origin C vector is a dynamically allocated and sized array that is not tied to an internal Origin data set allowing a greater degree of flexibility.

vector is a template class with a default type of double but a vector of any basic data type (including char, byte, short, word, int, uint, complex, string) can be constructed using the syntax vector<type>. The vector class is derived from the vectorbase class from which it inherits methods and properties.




// Example for numeric type vector
void vector_ex1()
    int imax = 10;
    vector<double> vX(imax);      // vector of doubles having imax elements
    vector vY(imax);              // vector of doubles by default
    vector<int> vI;               // vector of ints

    for(int ii = 0; ii < vX.GetSize(); ii++)
        vX[ii] = rnd();

    vY = 10 * vX;                 // vector arithmetic is supported
    vI = vY;                      // Cast double vector into int vector

    for(ii = 0; ii < vI.GetSize(); ii++) // Output cast elements of vectors
        printf("vI[%d]=%d after cast from %f\n",ii,vI[ii],vY[ii]);


// StringArray Example
// StringArray is typedef vector<string> in string.h
void vector_ex2()
    // declare one StringArray variable named saList and assign values 
    StringArray saList = { "Hello", "World", "!"}; 
    for(int ii = 0; ii < saList.GetSize(); ii++) // Output string one by one
        printf("%s\n", saList[ii]);

    vector<string> vsNames(3); // set the vector's size in construct 
    // assign string value
    vsNames[0] = "Tom"; 
    vsNames[1] = "Jenny";
    vsNames[2] = "Joy";  

    for(int jj = 0; jj < vsNames.GetSize(); jj++) // Output string one by one
        printf("%s\n", vsNames[jj]);

header to Include




Name Brief Example
Add Adds One element at the end of the vector. Examples
Find Find a specified string in a string vector. Examples
GetSourceRange gets the range inside the source data when the constructor vector(Column& cc, int nLowerIndex = -1, int nUpperIndex = -1, int nWriteback = WRITEBACK_NO) is used. See that constructor and the accompanying example for more details. Examples
InsertAt Inserts one element, or multiple copies of an element at a specified index in a vector. In the process, by incrementing the index, it shifts up the existing element at this index, and it shifts up all the elements above it. Examples
InsertValue It inserts the same value at the multiple locations inside a vector. The vector itself is resized as needed. Examples
Pattern Fill vector with arbitrary set of text values
RemoveAt Removes one or more elements starting at a specified index in a vector. It can removes elements at specified indices in a vector also. Examples
SetAtGrow Sets the vector element at the specified index. Examples
vector Constructors for vector class. Examples