
This command can be used to:




edit  [options] [<Fitting Function Name> / <datasetName> / <X Function Name>]


no option

When <Fitting Function Name> or <datasetName> is omitted, LabTalk Variables and Functions dialog opens. See also List (command).

Specifying the <Fitting Function Name> opens the Fitting Function Builder (for user-defined functions) or the Fitting Function Organizer (for built-in functions) for user to edit the curve fitting function. This option was introduced in Origin 8.5.

Specifying the <datasetName> opens the workbook containing the datasetName. <DatasetName> can be either a dataset in a workbook (such as Book1_B) or a loose dataset (like myLooseDs). Note that using this command can view a worksheet created with the creat -w command.

When <datasetName> conflicts with <Fitting Function Name>, the fitting function, instead of the dataset, will be edited.

-c; Open Colors dialog

Syntax: ed -c <color>

Open the Colors dialog with color selected as default, where color is the same single argument that you can pass to color function. For example,

ed -c #253dcf;


ed -c Red;

-m; Create a matrix

Syntax: ed -m <matrixName> nCol nRow

Create an nCol by nRow matrix named matrixName.

-syn <value>; Set the default syntax for new Notes windows

Syntax: ed -syn <value>

... where <value> is 0 = Text; 1 = HTML; 2 = Markdown; or 3 = Origin Rich Text.

See Notes Window Syntax in the Origin Help File.

-sl; Open LaTeX Equation Editor

Syntax: ed -sl;

With a worksheet cell selected, open the LaTeX Equation Editor to insert the LaTeX equatjion enclosed with \q() escape sequence.

-x; Open an X-Function in X-Function Builder

Syntax: ed -x XFName

Specify the name of X-Function XFName and open it in X-Function builder. This works the same as the X-Function execution option -e.


This opens the Fitting Function Wizard (Origin 8.5) if there is a user-defined fitting function named "myfunc", or open a workbook containing the dataset "myfunc".

edit myfunc;

This opens the LabTalk Variables and Functions dialog (Equivalent to list command without options):


When a graph window is open, the following script opens the worksheet for the active dataset.

ed  %C;

The following script opens the x-function integ1 in X-Function Builder:

edit -x integ1;

See Also:

List (command)

Ed (object) to open the Code Builder window.