Shift this matrix placing the result in the matrix passed as an argument.
int FFTShift( matrixbase & mbShifted, int nDim = -1 )
Returns 0 on success and a non-zero error code on failure:
-1 means nDim is not -1, 1, or 2
-2 means Internal casting error
void matrixbase_FFTShift_ex1() { matrix mSource = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} }; int rc = mSource.FFTShift( mSource ); if(rc!=0) printf("Error: FFTShift failed. rc=%d\n", rc); else{ printf("The matrix is:\n"); for(int ii=0; ii< mSource.GetNumRows(); ii++){ for(int jj=0; jj< mSource.GetNumCols(); jj++) printf("%g ", mSource[ii][jj]); printf("\r\n"); } } }
// Shifting matrix rows or columns void matrixbase_FFTShift_ex2() { int rc; matrix mSource = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} }; matrix mShifted; int ii, jj; MatrixPage MatPg1; MatPg1.Create("Origin"); MatrixLayer MatLy1 = MatPg1.Layers(0); Matrix Mat1(MatLy1); Mat1 = mSource; printf(" The original matrix is %s.\n",Mat1.GetName()); rc=mSource.FFTShift(mShifted); //relative to both or the first dimension and then the second dimension if(rc!=0) printf(" Error: FFTShift(nDim: default) failed.\n"); else { MatrixPage MatPg2; MatPg2.Create("Origin"); MatrixLayer MatLy2 = MatPg2.Layers(0); Matrix Mat2(MatLy2); printf(" %s is a shifted matrix relative to both 1st and 2nd dimensions.\n",Mat2.GetName()); Mat2 = mShifted; } rc=mSource.FFTShift(mShifted, 1); //relative to the first dimension if(rc!=0) printf(" Error: FFTShift(nDim=1) failed.\n"); else { MatrixPage MatPg3; MatPg3.Create("Origin"); MatrixLayer MatLy3 = MatPg3.Layers(0); Matrix Mat3(MatLy3); printf(" %s is a sfifted matrix relative to the 1st dimension.\n",Mat3.GetName()); Mat3 = mShifted; } rc=mSource.FFTShift(mShifted, 2); //relative to the second dimension if(rc!=0) printf(" Error: FFTShift(nDim=2) failed.\n"); else { MatrixPage MatPg4; MatPg4.Create("Origin"); MatrixLayer MatLy4 = MatPg4.Layers(0); Matrix Mat4(MatLy4); printf(" %s is a sfifted matrix relative to the 2nd dimension.\n",Mat4.GetName()); Mat4 = mShifted; } }
Shift this matrix placing the result in the matrix passed as an argument. Shifts can occur row wise or relative to the first dimension (nDim=1), column wise or relative to the second dimension (nDim=2), or relative to both or the first dimension and then the second dimension (nDim=-1 default). The result matrix and this matrix can be the same (i.e. m1.FFTShift(m1);).