Introduction to Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C

Before you can access Dialog Builder resources with Origin C you must first build the resources using Microsoft Visual C++. See the topic Create a "Hello World" Dialog and the sections Creating a Microsoft Visual C++ Resource-only DLL and Additional Resource Topics for more information on creating Dialog Builder resources. Once the resources have been created and are made available in a resource-only DLL they can be accessed in Origin with Origin C.

Once you build your resource-only DLL in Visual C++, you'll need to develop Origin C code to access your resource in Origin. Additionally, you'll need to develop Origin C code to handle the events associated with your resource. The Origin Dialog AppWizard creates the following resource, source, and header files to which you should add the C code to access the resources and to handle resource events.

Introduction to Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C image157.gif

Introduction to Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C image158.gif

Introduction to Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C image155.gif

Introduction to Accessing Dialog Builder Resources with Origin C image154.gif

Note:The text <ProjectName> above is the name of the Microsoft Visual C++ project chosen when creating a new Visual C++ project by launching the Origin Dialog AppWizard.

The sections that follow discuss these files and Origin C programming requirements in more detail.