





The Menu class provides the member function for creating, tracking, updating, and destroying a menu.



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Name Brief Example
AddPopup Adds a popup menu at a the end of the menu.
Add Add an menu item at the end of the menu(internal menu).
BeginPopup Instantiates a popup nest. Examples
Create Creates the menu object. For internal menu, this will use the cached details to create the menu.
DeleteMenu Deletes the specified menu item
Detach Detaches the attached handle from the Menu object.
EndPopup Terminates popup nest instantiated by BeginPopup.
GetMenuItemID Returns the command ID of the menu item specified
GetMenuString Provides access to the menu items string value
GetPopupHmenu Get the handle to the popup-menu object
GetSafeHmenu Returns the handle to the menu object
InsertMenu Inserts a menu item at a specified position(internal menu)
InsertPopup Inserts a popup menu at a specified position
Load loads menu from resource
Menu Default constructor
ModifyMenu Modifies properties of a menu item from a specified position
RemoveAllItems removes all menu items
RemoveMenu Removes a menu item from a specified position
TrackPopupMenu Displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. A floating pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen. Call this member for internal menu, which are not created from resource.
TrackPopupResMenu Displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. A floating pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen. Call this member for resource menu, which are created from resource.