







See GetNBox

header to Include



Construct GetN Tree

Name Brief Example
GETN_BOX Construct a base GetNbox tree. Examples
GETN_CURVE_OPERATION constructs a base GetNbox tree with advanced option and curve show. Examples
GETN_OPERATION constructs a base GetNbox tree with theme controls. Examples
GETN_TREE Construct a base GetNbox tree. Examples
GETN_USE Reuse an already existed treenode. Examples

Property of GetN Tree

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_MANUAL_RESIZE Allow manual resize dialog. Examples
GETN_HELP Open specified help file. Examples
GETN_HELP_PATH Opening specific page of CHM help file Examples
GETN_HELP_MAPID Opening specific page of CHM help file by ID. Examples
GETN_NO_HELP Set 0 to Help ID. Examples
GETN_OPTION_EDIT_ALIGN Set Edit Column Alignments for CheckBox/Numbers/Strings. Examples

Edit Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_NUM Create a numeric edit box. Examples
GETN_STR Create an edit box. Examples
GETN_MULTILINE_TEXT Create a multi-line text edit box. Examples
GETN_MULTILINE_SYNTAX_TEXT Create a multi-line syntax edit box. Examples
GETN_PAD Create a dummy variable. Examples

Properties of Edit Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_NUM_FORMAT Custom the showing numeric type. Examples
GETN_EDITOR_SIZE_USER_OPTION Custom the size of edit box. Examples
GETN_INFO Indicate a statis control for info display. Examples
GETN_HINT Set label of the control as read only style. Examples
GETN_HINT_EX Set label of the control as read only style. Examples
GETN_HINT_LINK_TARGET Set the link text in the hint Examples
GETN_HINT_WRAPOPTIONS Set hint text with wrap option bold option Examples
GETN_READ_ONLY Set the box as read only style. Examples
GETN_READ_ONLY_COLOR Set as read only with color. Examples
GETN_READ_ONLY_EX Set as read only or editable state. Examples

Properties of Multiline Edit

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_MUTILINE_TEXT_BOX Enable multiline text control to collapse and expand with user settings Examples
GETN_MUTILINE_EDIT_ROLLUP_BUTTON Make changing the control window more convenient. Examples
GETN_EDIT_DISPLAY_WIDTH_RANGE Set multiline line edit show range. Examples
GETN_MULTILINE_EDIT_DISPLAY_ROW_HEIGHT_RANGE Set multiline line edit show range. Examples
GETN_SYNTAXEDIT_LEXER_TYPE Set multiline syntax edit box's lexer type. Examples

List Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_COMBO Create a combo control containing numeric values. Examples
GETN_COMBO_BUTTON Allow user to pick different kind of string to fill into an editable combo box. Examples
GETN_COMBO_REFRESH_BUTTON Combo control with a refresh button that will call your event handler so you can update the combo entries. Examples
GETN_LIST Create a string combo list. Examples
GETN_LISTBOX Create a list box. Examples
GETN_STRLIST Create a string combo list. Examples
GETN_STR_GROUP Allow multiple selection in the combo list. Examples
GETN_MULTISEL_LISTBOX Allow multiple selection from the listbox. Examples
GETN_MULTISEL_STR_LISTBOX Allow multiple selection from the string listbox. Examples

Properties of List Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_ADD_INT_MAP Setup the int type value for the relative string in string list. Examples
GETN_STR_COMBO Set the combo attribute of the current node Examples

Other Common Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_BUTTON_GROUP Create one or multiple buttons. Examples
GETN_BUTTON Create a button with a string edit box. Examples
GETN_CHECK Create a checkbox control. Examples
GETN_COLOR Create a color combo list(system palette). Examples
GETN_FONT Create a font combo list. Examples
GETN_GAP Generate a gap in dynamic control. Examples
GETN_PASSWORD Create a password. Examples
GETN_PICTURE Create a picture holder. Examples
GETN_RADIO_INDEX Create a group of radios. Examples
GETN_RADIO_INDEX_EX Create a group of radios. Examples
GETN_SEPARATOR_LINE Generate a separator in dynamic control. Examples
GETN_SLIDER Create a numeric slide box. Examples
GETN_SLIDEREDIT Create a numeric slider with edit box. Examples
GETN_SPINNOR_DOUBLE Construct a spinner on dynamic control. Examples
GETN_SYMBOL Create a symbol list control. Examples

Properties of Common Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_ID Set GetN control's DataID. Examples
TREE_ADD_LABEL Set GetN control's label. Examples
GETN_ADD_AUTO Add an auto check box. Examples
GETN_CONTROL_OPTION_BOX Enable or disable status of a control. Examples
GETN_ADDITIONAL_TAB Justify controls. Examples
GETN_ADD_LEFT_CHECK Add a checkbox control on the left side of a TreeNode. Examples
SET_AUTO_VALUE show empty value when auto check box is checked Examples

Data and Time

Name Brief Example
GETN_DATE Create a date picker edit box. Examples
GETN_TIME Create a time picker edit box. Examples

Properties of Data and Time

Name Brief Example
GETN_DATETIME_CUSTOM_FORMAT Custom format of date/time picker edit box. Examples

Data Range Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_RANGE Create a range edit box. Examples
GETN_XYRANGE Allow user to select XYRange as data. Examples
GETN_XYRANGE_COMPLEX Allow user to select XYRangeComplex as data. Examples
GETN_XYZRANGE Allow user to select XYZRange as data. Examples
GETN_INTERACTIVE Create a column/range selecting option. Examples

Properties of Data Range Box

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_INTERACTIVE_CONTROL To setup the properties for data range controls. Examples

Properties of Static Labels

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_COLOR_BACKGROUND Set the label background color. Examples
GETN_OPTION_COLOR_LABEL Set the label color. Examples
GETN_OPTION_COLOR_READONLY Change default read only text's color. Examples
GETN_OPTION_COLOR_READONLY_BRANCH Change the read only text's color for the whole branch. Examples


Name Brief Example
GETN_BEGIN_BRANCH Create a tree subbranch in the dialogbox. Examples
GETN_BEGIN_GROUP Group a set of controls. Examples
GETN_BEGIN_USE_BRANCH Reuse an already exist branch treenode. Examples

Properties of Branch

Name Brief Example
GETN_BRANCH_OPTION_BOX Change to enable status of a branch Examples
GETN_BUTTON_BRANCH Add a button to a branch. Examples
GETN_CHECKBOX_BRANCH Add a check box to a branch node. Examples
GETN_COMBO_BRANCH Adding a combo box to a branch node. Examples
GETN_ID_BRANCH Set the branch DataID. Examples
GETN_ID_REPEAT_BRANCH Use same DataID in node of different branch. Examples
GETN_MULTI_COLS_BRANCH Allow multiple controls in one row. Examples
GETN_OPTION_BRANCH Add options to the branch. Examples
GETN_OPTION_GROUP_BRANCH Add group options to the branch. Examples
SET_BRANCH_AS_GROUP_BOX Set the branch as a group box. Examples

Accessing GetN Node

Name Brief Example
GETN_CURRENT_NODE Parent of the current node. Examples
GETN_CURRENT_SUBNODE The current node. Examples
GETN_USE_CURR Reuse an already created treenode. Examples

Event Function

Name Brief Example
GETN_OPTION_EVENT Add event handler at row level. Examples
GETN_OPTION_EVENT_EX Add event handler at both row and column level. Examples
GETN_SET_EVENT_EX_HANDLER Set treenode event handler. Examples

Adding Custom Button on Dialog

Name Brief Example
GETN_CUSTOM_BUTTON Add Custom Button on GetN Dialog. Examples