The DataRange class provides methods and properties to construct data ranges for getting and putting data from and to a Worksheet, Matrix and Graph window. This class itself does not contain data; it just keeps the data range with the page name, sheet name (layer index for graph) and row/column indices (data plot index for graph). One DataRange object can contain multiple data ranges. The sub data range can be a whole data sheet, one column or row, or multiple continuous columns or rows.
// plotting multiple columns in a group plot with X column from the end void DataRange_ex1() { Worksheet wks; wks.Create("Origin"); int nCols = 5; int nRows = 100; wks.SetSize(nRows, nCols); // for a demo, lets use the last col as X int nX = nCols-1; Dataset dx(wks, nX); dx.Data(1, nRows); // fill the Y cols (even though 1st col is really X in the wks, we will plot it as Y anyway) for(int nC = 0; nC < nCols-1; nC++) { Dataset dy(wks, nC); dy.Normal(nRows); dy += nC * 2; } //now we will construct our data range with all the Y columns to plot againt the X column at the end of the worksheet DataRange dr; dr.Add(wks, nX, "X"); for(int ii = 0; ii < nCols-1; ii++) dr.Add(wks, ii, "Y"); GraphPage gp; gp.Create("Origin", CREATE_HIDDEN); GraphLayer gl = gp.Layers(); gl.AddPlot(dr, IDM_PLOT_LINE); gl.Rescale(); gp.SetShow(); // you can verify that all the plots are plotting againt the last col as X even though the worksheet is having 1st col as X }
// This example prints out the minimum and maximum X and Y values in all existing // XY selections of the active worksheet or graph // you can make the plot from example code above, or from any existing plot // if you do not make a selection, then the whole active plot is considered selected, // otherwise you can use the Regional Selection tool to select multiple regions void DataRange_ex2() { Tree trXYSelection; DWORD dwRules = DRR_GET_DEPENDENT | DRR_NO_FACTORS; init_input_data_branch_from_selection(trXYSelection, dwRules); // out_tree(trXYSelection); DataRange dr; dr.Create(trXYSelection, false); DWORD dwPlotID; // This is to retrieve DataPlot UID if present vector vX, vY; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; string strRange; int nNumRanges = dr.GetNumData(dwRules); for( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nNumRanges; nIndex++ ) { // Copy data associated with nIndex of dr into vectors using DataRange::GetData dr.GetData( dwRules, nIndex, &dwPlotID, NULL, &vY, &vX); // Now we have made a copy of XY data into vectors vX and vY // so we can do analysis on the data...for example: vX.GetMinMax(xmin, xmax); vY.GetMinMax(ymin, ymax); DataRange drSub; dr.GetSubRange(drSub, dwRules, nIndex); strRange = drSub.GetDescription(); printf("%s\nxmin = %g\nxmax = %g\nymin = %g\nymax = %g\n", strRange, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); } }
//strX,Y are col names //call XF to integrate an area using data from active book, given sheet name #include <XFbase.h> void DataRange_ex3(string strX, string strY, string strSheet) { Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer(); wks.AddCol(); wks.AddCol(); //Create input datarange. DataRange dr1; string strRange; strRange.Format("%s!(%s,%s)", strSheet, strX, strY); dr1.Create(strRange, XVT_XYDATARANGE); //Created output datarange. DataRange dr2; dr2.Add(wks, 2, "X"); dr2.Add(wks, 3, "Y"); XYRange yi(dr1); //integ1 -h to see usage of this XF XFBase xf("integ1"); XYRange yo(dr2); xf.SetArg("iy", yi); xf.SetArg("oy", yo);// to make it <optional> double dArea; xf.SetArg("area", dArea); if ( !xf.Evaluate() ) out_str("failed to execute XF"); else printf("for XY Data %s\narea = %g\n", yi.GetDescription(), dArea); }
Name | Brief | Example |
Add | Add a new subrange to the DataRange. | Examples |
AddInput | Add data to a DataRange object from named columns in a workbook. | Examples |
BreakUp | Remove all ranges in the DataRange object. | Examples |
Clone | Get a copy of the datarange. | Examples |
Create | Create a valid DataRange object. | Examples |
DataRange | Default constructor for the DataRange class. | Examples |
Destroy | Destroy this Origin object. | Examples |
FindNext | Threshold or matching string replacement for a DataRange. | Examples |
GetBookSheet | Get book and sheet name of the index-th x range. | Examples |
GetData | Get the data from indexed subrange get data from all subrange if nIndex is negative. | Examples |
GetDescription | Get a text string to describe a data range. | Examples |
GetFactorsValues | Get all the factors as a string array. | Examples |
GetIndices | Find data points inside polygon enclosed by vX, vY, only supported by single XYRange. | Examples |
GetMaskedData | Get all masked data into a vector. | Examples |
GetMissingData | Get all missing data into a vector. | Examples |
GetName | Get the name of the datarange as a string. | Examples |
GetNamesOfDatasets | Gets the names of all the datasets that appear in the DataRange. | Examples |
GetNumData | Get the number of data ranges according to the rules dwRules. | Examples |
GetNumRanges | Get the numer of subranges in this datarange. | Examples |
GetPlots | Get dataplot's uids as to access them, dataplots are generated by this datarange. | Examples |
GetRange | Get one single range's data. | Examples |
GetRuntimeDescription | Get the description string of the datarange. | Examples |
GetSubRange | Get one subrange. | Examples |
GetTree | Get the datarange as a tree. | Examples |
HasNamedRange | Get the datarange's named range if exist. | Examples |
Intersects | Find if a DataRange intersects another DataRange. | Examples |
IsEmpty | Check DataRange is valid or whether it includes any empty subrange. | Examples |
IsReal | Check DataRange is real or not. | Examples |
Merge | Merge another DataRange into this DataRange. | Examples |
Replace | Threshold or matching string replacement for a DataRange. | Examples |
Reset | Clear all the subranges. | Examples |
SetColumnData | Set data by column offset index. | Examples |
SetData | It sets a matrix data into the data referred to by the DataRange object. | Examples |
SetMask | Set data in the range maksed/unmasked. | Examples |
SetName | Update the Name property of the datarange. | Examples |
SetPlotUID | Set dataplot's uid by index. | Examples |
SetRange | Set the subrange at the given index. | Examples |
SetToVirtualDataset | It sets a DataRange object into a virtual dataset. | Examples |
SetTree | Specify a datarange from a tree. | Examples |