




The Column class provides methods and properties common to Origin worksheet columns. An Origin C Worksheet object has a collection of Column objects each of which in turn holds a Dataset. A Column object is primarily used for style related control of the data in the associated Dataset.

An Origin C Column object is a wrapper object that is a reference to an internal Origin column object. Wrapper objects do not actually exist in Origin and merely refer to the internal Origin object. Consequently, multiple Origin C wrapper objects can refer to the same internal Origin object.

The Column class is derived from the DataObject, DataObjectBase, and OriginObject classes from which it inherits methods and properties.




void Column_Ex1()
    Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
    int ii = 1;
    foreach(Column cc in wks.Columns)
        string strLabel;
        if(cc.GetLabel(strLabel) > 0)
            printf("Column(%d) has label = %s\n",ii++, strLabel);

header to Include




Name Brief Example
Attach Attach the column object to a Worksheet column by worksheet name nad column number. Examples
Column Default constructor for Column class. Examples
CopyDataFormat Copy column format from source. Examples
DisableFilter Enable/Disable the filter Examples
GetAdditionalInfo Get storage information from SPC. Examples
GetComments Get the comments in a column label. Examples
GetCondFmtIndecies Get indexes of conditional formatted rows Examples
GetCustomDisplay Return the custom date display string. Only valid for Date type columns. Examples
GetDataObject Get the Dataset associated with a column as a vectorbase class reference. Examples
GetDigitMode Gets the display mode used for numbers in a column. Examples
GetDigits Get the digit value for numeric display mode. Examples
GetDistinctValues Get all the unique text entries of the column value. Examples
GetExtendedLabel Gets the extended label by type of extended label. Examples
GetFilter Get data filter of one column. Examples
GetFormat Get the column format. Examples
GetCategoricalMap Get the column CategoricalMap. Examples
GetInternalData Get the column internal data type. Examples
GetJustify Get the column justification. Examples
GetLabel Get the column label by reference. Examples
GetLastDependentColumnOffset Get the index of the column in the same worksheet that is farthest away. from this column and that is dependent on this column. Examples
GetLongName Get the long name of a column. Examples
GetLowerBound Get the begining row index for this column. Index values are 0 - offset. Examples
GetName Get the column short name. Examples
GetNumRows Get the number of rows in a Column. Examples
GetParameter Get one parameter value.from column label. Examples
GetParameters Gets the Parameters in a column label. Examples
GetStringArray Get the contents (from row nRow1 to nRow2) from a Column regardless of its data type. Examples
GetSubFormat Get the SubFormat used by a column. Examples
GetTextMaxLen Get the text width of a column. Examples
GetType Get the type designator of a column (X, Y, Z, YErr, XErr, L or disregard). Examples
GetUnits Get the units in a column label. Examples
GetUpperBound Get the ending row index for this column. Index values are 0 - offset. Examples
GetWidth Get the display width of a column in number of characters. Examples
IsAsCategorical Return if the column is set as categorical. Examples
IsEvenSampling Check if the column has even sampling and get the sampling information. Examples
IsFilterDisabled Gets the filter's enable status Examples
IsWriteProtected Determine if a column is write protected. Examples
PutStringArray Put (copy) the contents of a StringArray to a Column starting in row nRow1. Examples
Reverse This function is use to reverse a range of rows within a column. Examples
ResetFilter Reset data filter of one column. Examples
SetAsCategorical Set the column as categorical. Examples
SetComments Sets the comments in a column label. Examples
SetCustomDisplay To set the custom date display format. This action is same as setup Custom Date Formats in Tools : Options : Miscellaneous. Examples
SetDigitMode Sets the display mode used for numbers in a column. Examples
SetDigits Set the digit value for the numeric display mode. Examples
SetEvenSampling Set the column sampling information. Examples
SetExtendedLabel Sets the extended label by type of extended label. Examples
SetFilter Add data filter to column. Examples
SetFilterThisCol Set variable to represent this column in filter command Examples
SetFormat Set the column format. Examples
SetInternalData Set the column internal data type. Examples
SetJustify Set the column justification. Examples
SetLabel Set the column label. Examples
SetLongName Sets the long name of a column. Examples
SetLowerBound Set the begining row display index. Examples
SetNumRows Set the number of rows in a Column. Examples
SetParameter Sets one parameter in a column label Examples
SetParameters Sets the Parameters in a column label. Examples
SetSubFormat Set the SubFormat used by a column. Examples
SetTextMaxLen Set the text width of the column. Examples
SetType Set the type designator of a column (X, Y, Z, YErr, XErr, L or disregard). Examples
SetUnits Set the units in a column label. Examples
SetUpperBound Set the ending row display index. Examples
SetWidth Set the display column width of a column in number of characters. Examples