



The ss function returns the sum of the square of individual values in vd minus some reference value. The function ss is defined by the following equation:

ss = \sum_{i=1}^\mathit{N}(data[i]-ref)^2


//If ref is a constant 
double sumSquares = ss(dataset vd[, double ref]);

//If ref is a vector
double sumSquares = ss(dataset vd[, dataset ref]);

//If ref is a function
double sumSquares = ss(dataset vd[, string ref]);



can be a dataset, or a column in Origin worksheet.


the reference value you want to subtract from vd.


Returns the sum of the square of individual values in vd minus some reference value.


No ref value specified

// Calculates the mean-subtracted sum of squares:
double sumSq = ss(dataset);

ref is a constant

// Calculates the sum of squares, after subtracting 4 from each member 
// of 'dataset':
double sumSq = ss(dataset,4);

ref is a dataset

// Calculates the sum of squares, subtracting each corresponding member 
// of 'dataset2' from 'dataset1':
double sumSq = ss(dataset1,dataset2);

ref is a function of i or x

ref is an expression involving x or i, where x is the X-value corresponding to each element in dataset (assumed to be Y-values), and i is the corresponding row number for each element in dataset.

double AA = 1;
double BB = 2;

// Calculates the sum of squares, subtracting the line described by 1+2x:
double sumSq = ss(dataset, AA+BB*x);