Options for Transparency



Syntax: set name -tpl value

Set transparency for line plot.

Note: The larger this value, the less the transparency. 100 means the line is not transparent at all, and 0 means the line is fully transparent. And it needs refresh to show the setting.

// Fill column(A) and column(B) with data
plotxy (1,2) plot:=200; // Plot a Line plot
set %c -tpl 70;  //Set Line transparency to 30%
doc -u; //refresh


Syntax: set name -tps value

Set transparency for symbol. For the Line+Symbol plot, the transparency of symbol follows line by default. It needs to set the transparency of line to control the transparency of symbol.

Note: The larger this value, the less the transparency. 100 means the symbol is not transparent at all, and 0 means the symbol is fully transparent. And it needs refresh to show the setting.


Syntax: set name -tpp value

Set transparency for pattern. It works for the patterns on Column plot, Bar chart, Pie chart, Wind Rose plot. But for the Area plot, the transparency of pattern follows line by default. It needs to set the transparency of line to control the transparency of pattern.

Note: The larger this value, the less the transparency. 100 means the pattern is not transparent at all, and 0 means the patternl is fully transparent. And it needs refresh to show the setting.