

Brief Introduction

Change the attributes of the specified dataset, data plot, or worksheet.


set name [option] [value];

Specifying Worksheet, Dataset or Data Plot

We usually specify worksheet, dataset or data plot by name.

As of Origin 2017, name can refer to multiple plots of the same worksheet dataset, using a Book_N:n syntax. For the following example, create Book1 and fill columns A and B with row numbers in rows 1 - 32:

plotxy iy:=(1,2)[1:16] plot:=201 color:=1; // creates a scatter plot
%A = %H; // puts the active window title into %A
win -a Book1; // activates Book1
plotxy iy:=(1,2)[17:32] plot:=201 color:=2 ogl:=[%A]1!; // adds plot 2 to the graph and sets color to red
win -a Graph1; // activates Graph1
set Book1_B -z 24; // changes symbol size of plot 1 to 24;
set Book1_B:2 -z 24; // changes symbol size of plot 2 to 24

Specifying Data Point

We can specify the data point by providing a number after the dataset name. Specifically, -1 and -2 refers to last and first data point respectively. For example:

set %C 13 -c 2;    //This sets the color of 13th datapoint to Red
set %C -1 -c 2;    //create a special point on the last data point, -1 for last data point, -2 for first data point
Note: This datapoint notation can be only applied to the following options:
Scatter/Symbol+Line Related Option -z , -c , -cse , -csf , -k , -ka , -kf , -lh , -lhc , -lhs , -lhw , -lv , -lvc , -lvs , -lvw, -r
Bar/Column Related Option -pbc , -pbs , -pbw , -pfb , -pfc , -pfp , -pfw

Specifying Pattern

From Origin 2017 SR1, if you want to set the pattern properties for a multiple pattern plot, you can specify the pattern index after “p” in option directly. That is to say, p is the first pattern, p2 is the second pattern, p3 is the third pattern and etc.For example:

set %C -pf 1; // Turn on '''Fill Area Under Curve''' option
set %C -pfv 9;// Set to '''Fill to next data plot – Above Below Colors'''
set %C -pfb 2; // Set the fill color of “Pattern Above”
set %C -p2fb 3; // Set the fill color of “Pattern Below”
Note: This pattern notation can be only applied to the following options:
Bar/Column Related Option -pfb, -pfc, -pfm, -pff, -pfp, -pfw


The option switch determines which attribute is set to value. (Read these attributes with the get command.) Some of the values have a built-in list in Origin (color, shape, etc.), user can use the index number to complete the set, indicated by value#.

Option for Columns

Option Description
no option Open the Plot Details dialog box
-at Do not save the dataset with the project
-b Set the beginning of the data display range
-b3o Set the start value from which the 3D Bars are drawn
-bs Temporarily set the beginning of the range of a dataset to the index given by value
-dc Set the dataset as categorical
-e Set the end of the worksheet display range
-e Reset the data plot to the full range
-em Set the end of the worksheet display range
-er Set the number of rows available on the named worksheet
-es Temporarily set the end of the range of a dataset to the index given by value
-ez Set the end of the worksheet display range
-f Set the corresponding X value for the first data point
-f1 Set the function to plot from xvalue
-f2 Set the function to plot to xvalue
-hbb Set the begin value of the histogram bin data
-hbe Set the end value of the histogram bin data
-hbs Set the histogram bin size
-i Set the X increment for the dataset
-it Set the internal data type for the name dataset or matrix to the value dataTypeValue
-set Force Text & Numeric datasets to show numeric values as text elements

Option for Data Plots

Option Description
-a Set the plot to the animate mode to be used for animation
-an Turn on or off the animate mode
-ay Set the plot to base on the specified Y axis.
-b3c Set the color map of surface plot to be from the specific matrix
-b3t Set the fill mode of the 3D surface plot
-b3cc Set individual color as 3D surface plot color fill
-b3cm Set matrix as 3D surface plot color map
-b3cn Set matrix as 3D surface plot color index
-b3cn Set matrix as 3D surface plot color with direct RGB
-b3m Set the mesh on 3D surface plots
-c Set plot line color and symbol edge color, or map color to a dataset of index values
-cf Set the fill color following the color palette
-ci Set plot line and symbol edge color to increment, and choose starting color index
-cl Set the plot line color following the color palette
-cli Set the plot line color to be increment
-clm Set the plot line color to be colormap
-cln Set the plot line color to be indexing
-cm Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be colormap
-cmc Fill to contour lines or grid lines on matrix based contour plots
-cmd Show data points on workbook based contour plots
-cmf Show color fill on contour plots
-cmg Show grid lines on workbook based contour plots
-cn Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be indexing
-clr Set the plot line color to be RGB
-cpal Set the color palette to the data plot or matrix
-cr Set the plot line color and symbol edge color to be RGB
-cse Set the plot symbol edge color following the color palette
-csei Set the symbol edge color to be increment
-csem Set the symbol edge color to be colormap
-csen Set the symbol edge color to be indexing
-cser Set the symbol edge color to be RGB
-cset Set the plot symbol edge color pattern
-csf Set the plot symbol fill color following the color palette
-csfi Set the symbol fill color to be increment
-csfm Set the symbol fill color to be colormap
-csfn Set the symbol fill color to be indexing
-csfr Set the symbol fill color to be RGB
-cu Set the custom increment color list for plotted line
-cue Enable or disable custom colors in data plots. When disabled, you are limited to using the original LabTalk list of colors.
-cuf Set the custom increment color list for pattern fill
-cus Set the custom increment color list for symbol edge
-cusf Set the custom increment color list for symbol fill
-czn Set the Z level for level n in a color mapped data plot
-gtl Set the gap between leader line and data point
-gtt Set the gap between leader line and label
-lczm Removing missing values in Z for XYZ contour/surface
-md Plot-level override of global and page mask
-paaf Set plot Transparency for Fill Only
-pc Modify plot data to skip columns by the specified start column and increment
-pgpa Set the pie or doughnut starting azimuth (deg.)
-pgpd Set the enable doughnut status (pie or doughnut)
-pgpdh Set the pie or doughnut hole size
-pgpho Set the pie or doughnut horizontal offset
-pgpva Set the 3D pie view angle
-r Delete special points, selectively or all
-so Access the original plot for 3D scatter or trajectory plots
-spi Set the index column for triangle patch
-sx Set the X offset
-sx Access the YZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots
-sxs Set the scaling factor of X value after stacking for a data plot
-sy Set the Y offset
-sy Access the XZ projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots
-sys Set the scaling factor of Y value after stacking for a data plot
-sz Access the XY projection for 3D scatter or trajectory plots

Option for Symbols

Option Description
-k Set plot symbol shape (Built-in symbols)
-ka Set plot symbol shape (user-defined and ASCII)
-kf Set plot symbol interior
-kh Set plot symbol Edge Thickness
-ki Set plot data symbols to italic
-kn Set plot font for alphanumeric symbols
-ku Set plot data symbol to underline
-kt Symbol tab Construction details radio choices
-z Set data point symbol size
-ksc Enable symbol custom construction
-kse Enable symbol list's "use custom increment list"
-ksi Set symbol shape increment
-kfi Set symbol fill type increment
-ksn Set indexing symbol
-kfn Set indexing fill symbol
-kss Set single symbol
-paas Set symbol follow line transparency

Option for Lines

Option Description
-d Set the line style
-dn Set indexing line style
-l Set plot line connection method
-ldf Custom the dash lines
-lfp Set a worksheet column as Fill to Data Plot dataset
-lh Show/hide drop lines on X direction
-lhc Set the horizontal drop line color
-lhs Set the horizontal drop line style
-lhw Set the horizontal drop line width
-lvc Set the vertical drop line color
-lo Show/hide drop lines on Z direction
-lv Show/hide drop lines on Y direction
-lvs Set the vertical drop line style
-lvw Set the vertical drop line width
-w Set line width. Units are pts X 500. Also sets connecting line width, provided the connecting line has an associated Line tab in Plot Details (e.g. connecting lines in stacked bar graph but not connecting lines in box plots).
-wn Set indexing line width
-wp Set line width in pts. Units are pts (see -w, above).

Option for Text Labels

Option Description
-tf Set the text label font
-tj Set text label justification
-tr Set the text rotation in angle
-ts Set text label font size
-tts Set what kind of text is going to be displayed for text label
-tx Set the Y offset for the plot data label
-ty Set the X offset for the plot data label

Option for Bar and Column Plots

Option Description
-paap Set pattern transparency for Fill Only
-paal Set pattern follow line transparency
-pbc Set plot bar or column border color
-pbci Set bar or column border color as Increment
-pbcm Set bar or column border color to be colormap
-pbcn Set bar or column border color to be indexing
-pbcr Set bar or column border color to be RGB
-pbs Set plot bar or column border line style
-pbw Set plot bar or column border line width
-pfb Set plot bar or column fill color
-pfbi Set bar or column fill color as Increment
-pfbm Set bar or column fill color to be colormap
-pfbn Set bar or column gradient fill color to be indexing
-pfbr Set bar or column gradient fill color to be RGB
-pfc Set plot bar or column fill pattern color
-pfci Set bar or column pattern color as Increment
-pfcm Set bar or column pattern color to be colormap
-pfcn Set bar or column pattern color to be indexing
-pfcr Set bar or column pattern color to be RGB
-pff Set bar or column gradient fill color
-pffi Set bar or column gradient fill color as Increment
-pffm Set bar or column gradient fill color to be colormap
-pffn Set bar or column gradient fill color to be indexing
-pffr Set bar or column gradient fill color to be RGB
-pfm Control the mode of gradient fill
-pfp Set plot bar or column fill pattern
-pfpd Set bar or column fill pattern as Indexing
-pfpi Set bar or column fill pattern color as Increment
-pfpn Set bar or column fill pattern by patter file name
-pfw Set plot bar or column fill pattern line width
-vg Set the bar and column plot gap
-vox Set the X direction bar width for 3D bars (XYY, XYZ), in percentage.
-voy Set the Y direction (3D XYY) or Z direction (3D XYZ) bar width, in percentage.
-vw Set the bar and column plot border width (in points)

Option for Error Bars

Option Description
-o Plot the values in the name dataset as Y error bars for the plotted Ydataset
-om Plot the values in the name dataset as Y (minus) error bars for the plotted Ydataset
-op Plot the values in the name dataset as Y (plus) error bars for the plotted Ydataset
-or Plot the values in the name dataset as Y error bars (relative) for the plotted Ydataset
-os Set "At which datapoints to draw" options for error bar. 0: follow symbol, -1: draw 1 bar, -2: draw 2 bars, -3: draw 3 bars, 1: skip every other, 2: skip each group of 2, 5: skip each group of 5
-ox Plot the values in the name dataset as X error bars for the plotted YDataset
-oxm Plot the values in the name dataset as X (minus) error bars for the plotted YDataset
-oxp Plot the values in the name dataset as X plus (error) bars for the plotted YDataset

Option for Data Plot Labels

Option Description
-lm Extend plot line when there are missing values
-pctlr Reposition contour labels after rescale
-q Turn the data label on or off
-qa Turn the Auto Orientation of label on or off in 3D graph
-qb Set the data label to bold
-qc Set the data label font color
-qf Set the data label font
-qi Set the data label to italic
-ql Set the connection type of leader lines on OpenGL 3D graph
-qlc Set the color of leader lines on OpenGL 3D graph
-qlw Set the width of leader lines on OpenGL 3D graphs
-qm Set the data label form
-qmi Label points at specified row indices or by space-separated dataset
-qmie Enable or disable show of labels at indices specified by -qmi
-qms Customize the data label display string
-qn Specify the normal vector of the plane for label orientation in 3D graph
-qnx Specify the x component of normal vector of the plane for label orientation in 3D graph
-qny Specify the z component of normal vector of the plane for label orientation in 3D graph
-qnz Specify the z component of normal vector of the plane for label orientation in 3D graph
-qp Set the data label position
-qr Set data label rotation degree
-qs Set data label font size
-qu Set underline for the data label
-qw Set data label whiteout or not
-qx Set data label X offset value
-qy Set data label Y offset value

Other Options

Option Description
-gm Set the Edit Mode of the grouped data plots to dependent or independent.
-gn Set the LongName of the plot group in which the specified data plot is.
-hadj Set the gap between the center and the half violin edge.
-j Disable the use of substitution notation (% and $) in the argument string
-m Set the specified data plot as movable/not movable with the cursor
-n Rename loose dataset
-pd Show/hide vertical drop lines
-pf Turn the fill area option on or off
-pfv Control the Fill Area Under Curve setting
-pfn Control the mode of Fill to next data plot
-s Show/hide the data plot
-skip Display every nth symbol in a line+symbol data plot
-spf Control the flatten-mode for 3D surface plot
-spz Set the Z offset by percent of the scale range for 3D surface plot
-tb Control the data plot rendering mode
-u Set (update) the current display range for name in the active layer to be true for name in all layers
-ui Update Origin when you type or paste data into an Excel workbook sheet
-x Associate an X dataset with a Y dataset
-yx Set the dataset to be plot


Example 1

The following script sets the beginning of the display range for col(B) to 10.

range rr = [Book1]Sheet1!B; 
set rr -b 10;

Example 2

The next script sets the line width to 2 pts.

//set the line width of 2nd plot on graph to be 2pts
range rr = !2; 
set rr -w 1000;

Example 3

The next script hides data plot from col(B) in graph.

range rr = [Book1]Sheet1!B; 
set rr -s 0;

Example 4

The following script opens the Plot Details dialog box correspond to active data plot.

set %C;

Example 5

The next script sets the active scatter data plot to display row numbers as data point symbols.

set %C -k 11;

Example 6

The next script adds an XY data plot (col(B) in Book2 sheet1 as Y, col(A) in Book1 sheet1 as X) to the active layer.

range r1 = [Book2]Sheet1!B;
range r2 = [Book1]Sheet1!A;
layer -i r1;
set r2 -x r1;

Example 7

In this example, open a new project and import the WIND.DAT file from the Samples\Graphing\ folder. Select the Month column and then move to Last. Set this column as a label column. Select the Power and Month column and select Plot:Scatter. Then run the following script to set the label data plot display attributes.

ii = font(Arial);
//use font function to find Arial index #
range rr = [Wind]Wind!A;
set rr -tr 90;  //rotate 90 degrees
set rr -ty 50;  //50% y offset
set rr -tj 0;  //left justify
set rr -tf ii;  //set as Arial font

Example 8

In this example, we first plot a XY line and then add some other dataset into the graph. Then give each dataset different settings.

newbook; //New a workbook
string wname$ =$; //Get new workbook's name
wks.ncols=10; //Set column numbers to be 10
int nn = wks.ncols;
csetvalue formula:="i-1" col:=1;
Loop(ii, 2, nn)
 csetvalue formula:="(i-1)/(2/(ii-1))" col:=$(ii);
}; //Gave every column values
set %c -em 10; //Only display 10 values
plotxy iy:=(1,2) plot:=201; //Plot a scatter graph with first 2 columns
for(jj=3; jj<=nn; jj++)
 range rr = [%(wname$)]sheet1!col($(jj));
 string bb$ = %(nameof(rr)$); //change dataset name
 layer -i201 %(bb$); //add new plot to the same layer
int tt = 3;
repeat 8
 int tt2 = 1+mod(tt,3);
 range rr = $(tt-1);
 set rr -c $(tt-1); //set symbol color

 set rr -z $(9+(tt-2)); //set symbol size
 set rr -k $(tt2); //set symbol type

Example 9

In this example, we first plot a XY scatter, set it to be colormapped and then add some other dataset into the graph. Useing the first plot's setting values to modify the others.

string wname$ =$; // Get workbook name
wks.ncols = 5; // Set number of coiumn to be 5
int nn = wks.ncols;
col(1) = {2000:2010}; // Let the first column be our colormap
Loop(ii, 2, nn)
 range rr = [%(wname$)]1!wcol(ii);
 rr = {0:1*(ii-1):10*(ii-1)};
   plotxy iy:=(2,3) plot:=201; // Plot the first scatter using col(3) and col(2)
   set %c -cse $(524389+ii-1); // Set Col(1) be color index
   set %c -cset 2; // Set color pattern to be colormapping
  else {layer -i201 %(nameof(rr)$)}; // Add the rest to the layer
  wks.col$(ii).type = 4; // Set col(2) to be X for plotting
 string pp$ = %(wname$)_%(char(jj+66)$);
 switch (jj)
  case 1:
   get %(pp$) -cse t1; 
   get %(pp$) -cset t2;
   get %(pp$) -z t3;
   get %(pp$) -k t4; // Get the first plot's setting values
  case 2 3:
   set %(pp$) -cse $(t1+jj-1);
   set %(pp$) -cset t2;
   set %(pp$) -z $(jj*t3);
   set %(pp$) -k $(jj+t4-1); // Make some changes and apply to the other 2 plots

Example 10

Use Increment for symbol color and enable the usage of custom color list:

//Create new workbook, fill data and plot as scatter
col(A) = data(1,12);
col(B) = col(A);
plotxy (1,2);
//Use Increment to define symbol color
set %c -csei 1;
//Enable the usage of custom color
set %c -cue 1;
//Define the color indices in the custom color list
set %c -cus 2 4 6 8;

Example 11

Make a dash line plot and this example customs the dash lines

set %c -ldf  "5 20 10";
get %c -ldf str;

See Also

Get (command)