Name | Brief | Example |
Betacdf | Computes beta cumulative distribution function at , with parameters and . | |
Binocdf | Computes the lower tail, upper tail and point probabilities in given value , associated with a Binomial distribution using the corresponding parameters in , . | |
Bivarnormcdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the bivariate Normal distribution. | |
Chi2cdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the distribution with real degrees of freedom. | |
Cumul normal | Evaluates the cumulative Normal distribution function . | |
Cumul normal complem | Evaluates an approximate value for the complement of the cumulative normal distribution function. | |
Erf | The error function (or normal error integral). | |
Erfc | The approximate value for the complement of the error function. | |
Erfcinv | Return value of the inverse of the complementary error function for specified y. | |
Erfinv | Return value of the inverse error function for specified y. | |
Fcdf | Computes cumulative distribution function at , with parameters and, and lower tail. | |
Foldnormcdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the Folded Normal distribution. | |
Gamcdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the gamma distribution with real degrees of freedom, with parameters and . | |
Hygecdf | Computes the lower tail probabilities in given value , associated with a hypergeometric distribution using the corresponding parameters in ,nand . | |
Landaucdf | Computes the cumulative density for the Landau distribution at x and with location parameter mu and scale parameter sigma. | |
Logncdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the Lognormal cumulative distribution with parameters and . | |
Ncbetacdf | Computes the cdf with the lower tail of the non-central beta distribution. | |
Ncchi2cdf | Computes the probability associated with the lower tail of the non-central distribution. | |
Ncfcdf | Computes the probability associated with the lower tail of the non-central or variance-ratio distribution. | |
Nctcdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the non-central Student's t-distribution. | |
Normcdf | Computes the lower tail probability for the normal cumulative distribution. | |
Poisscdf | Computes the lower tail probabilities in given value , associated with a Poisson distribution using the corresponding parameters in . | |
Prob | Computes the Probability Density (for a normal distribution) integrated from -x to +x. | |
Srangecdf | Computes the probability associated with the lower tail of the distribution of the Studentized range statistic. | |
Tcdf | Computes the cumulative distribution function of Student's t-distribution. | |
Wblcdf | computes the low tail Weibull cumulative distribution function for value X using the parameters A and B. |