File Exchange > Import and Export >    Import PNRF

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Import PNRF.opx
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Import data in HBM PNRF format.

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This App imports Perception Native Recording File (PNRF) format.

  1. Download and install the PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit from You can view further details at
  2. Click the download button on this page and save the Import PNRF.opx, Drag-and-drop the file onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
  1. Click on the App icon. Select a PNRF file.
  2. To load data from a particular channel:
    • Select the corresponding row and select one of  Load Sweeps, Load Continuous and Load Sweeps and Continuous through context menu.
      You can specify the range of data by selecting Select....
      One column is able to hold 900,000,000 rows. Those beyond this limit is ignored. To load dataset exceeds this, you can define a range small enough then it will result to multiple columns.
    • Check the corresponding checkbox of the channel and click on Load to get all/selected data. 
Optional Settings

Various settings can be accessed through context menu of both dialogs: Import PNRF File and PNRF Segments.

  • Add UTC Time to X. When checked, the corresponding X data will be shifted by UTC time accordingly.
  • Add UTC Year Day and Time to X. When checked, the corresponding x data will be shifted by UTC year days (86400 seconds a day, leap seconds not considered) and UTC time accordingly.
  • Add Sparkline. Check checked, a sparkline will be added to the corresponding column to which data are imported.
    It can be time consuming when loading data into many a column or loading a large dataset.
  • Settings.
    • Import: Reduction Factor. When set as 1, all data will be loaded accordingly. Otherwise, say, reduction factor = 10, only the first one of every 10 elements will be imported. It's 1 by default.
    • Preview: Reduction Factor. This takes the same effect like the previous option but for previewing only. It's 100 by default.
    • Preview: Max Number of Preview Data. Preview of large dataset is time consuming. By specifying this option, a reduction factor for previewing is calculated automatically. It's 2500 by default.
  • Update Preview. The preview in PNRF Segments Dialog will be updated only when you select one valid segment and select this option.
    The ROI updates automatically after Start Time or End Time being changed.


v1.3 Update DLL dependencies.
v1.2 New design, with features including:
1) Custom data range.
2) Data preview.
3) Load sweeps data and continuous data respectively.

v1.1 Support multiple *recorders* and multiple *segments*.

Reviews and Comments:
02/06/2018yanohaynombrethat was a fast response thanks! I just sent an email

02/06/2018OriginLabHi yanohaynombre,
Did you install the PNRF Reader Toolkit (step1 under Installation section above)?
If you still get the error, please e-mail us at We may need to get a sample file from you.

02/06/2018yanohaynombremaybe I am not using it correctly.
after launching the import, I get an error code
origin C error (51)