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View and manage a list of operations (analyses, etc) in the current project.

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The purpose of this App is to allow you to manage operations (analyses etc, but not Set Column Values) in the current project including viewing information about them, activating their inputs and outputs, and performing various types of updates to them. In addition, the table of operations can be sorted by column values and filtered by arbitrary text terms.


The App consists of a table of operations in the current Origin project as well as a number of controls that are described below.

If an operation needs to be updated it is highlighted in yellow, if it is broken for some reason (very rare) it will be highlighted in red. Operations that are not highlighted are up to date.

  • Roll up dialog - Click the minimize dialog button in upper right to "roll up" the dialog for a better view of data.
  • Sort table - Click the sort icon in a column header to sort the table by values in the column.
  • Reorder columns - Select column header and drag and drop to reporder columns starting with column after "Name".
  • Filtering - Filter operations displayed in the table by entering arbitrary text terms in the filter control.
  • Reload button - Reload/reset the table of operations and clear filter.
  • Checkboxes - Select one or more operations to modify with buttons mentioned below. Hint- hold down SHIFT key while selecting to select a range.
  • Set Mode button - Change the recalculation mode for the selected operations(s). Or for Origin 2019, block or unblock operation recalculation.
    • You can choose a mode from the dropdown control before clicking the button.
  • Recalculate button - Perform immediate recalculation on selected operation(s).
  • Delete button - Delete selected operation(s) optionally also deleting their outputs.
  • Input/Output links - activate the selected operation input or output.
  • Save Settings to Project- Save selected rows, filter text, and sort ing as a Project-level Tree variable. Next time you load the project operations into the App or click the Reload button, those settings will be used.
    • You can delete the saved settings by clearing all selected rows and clearing filter text.

Hints and Additional Help

  • Yellow or red background - Operations highlighted in yellow need updating. Thos highlight in red are broken (this is very rare).
  • Opening different projects - If you open a different project, the App will update the list of operations after the project has finished loading. Creating a new project closes the App.
  • Filtering operations - You can enter pretty much any text you might expect to find in the table and operations that contain that text somewhere in their data will be displayed.
  • Selecting operations via checkboxes - First, filtering does not unselect (uncheck) operations that are not displayed. Thus you are warned if hidden operations are selected when you update operations. Second, you can mix filtering and selecting operations to fine tune which you want to update when the project contains lots of operations.
  • Reordering columns- Only the columns after "Name" can be reordered. You can reset column order to default by holding down the CTRL key when launching the App.
  • Graph-based operation inputs- For certain operations whose input comes from a graph such as Peak Analyzer, it may not be possible to list the graph in the Inputs cell for the operation due to a limitation in Origin.
  • "Orphan" operations - If your project contains "orphan" operations (operations with no input or output and thus serve no purpose), they will be purged from the project when the operations are loaded. The project will then be set as modifed and may require saving.


  • If appending projects to the current project or opening samples from Origin Central, you will need to click the "Reload" button to see those operations.
  • If you have a sequence of dependent operations and you opt to modify one of the operations in the middle of the sequence and it triggers recalculation, Origin by design, will recalculate all operations in the sequence. This is not a bug with the App!




v. 1.6 fixed bug when unblocking operations.
v. 1.5 Added saving settings to project file and blocking operations for Origin 2019.
v. 1.35 Sample.OPJU left out of last package.
v.1.32 Internal refactoring to improve speed.
v.1.2 Internal code modifications- no changed behavior.
v.1.15 App dialog now stays open when a new project is created.

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